Wednesday, 26 September and Thursday, 27 September, 2007

Using information from the novel The Missing 'Gator of Gumbo Limbo, laboratory activities, and classroom discussions,
Students should be able to:
-read a novel to justify how the scientific process is used to solve a problem.
-measure mass, volume, length and temperature using metric measurements.
Our do now came from the booklet Mastering the FCAT, page 15, # 1-3. Students are to bring this book to class each day. Students also received their Reading Essentials book, which should be brought to class daily.
Students then used the metric system to make measurements of mass, volume, length and temperature.
Students who were absent from class can go to the following site:
Visit each listed link and perform the activities as described.
Finally, we read from the novel The Missing 'Gator of Gumbo Limbo by Jean Craighead George. Students interested in listening to the first chapter can log on to iTunes and subscribe to the podcast for Dr. Gayden. They can also visit the website: and scroll down to Friday/Monday, 18/21 August, 2006 to listen to chapter 1.
Our home learning is Article 3, which is found at the top of this blog. Use blue or black ink or pencil, and must be written using complete sentences. You can write up to two sentences for the GIST in question 4.
The article that is home learning can be found at the top of this blog.