Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Tuesday, 30 October and Wednesday, 31 October, 2007

This is home learning #1. Be sure to head your paper correctly (last name, first name, ID number, Block ___, Date, HL #1, all in the upper left hand corner to the right of the red line, on loose leaf paper). Write in blue or black ink or pencil. Answers only. Remember to title your paper Energy.

Using information from the novel The Missing 'Gator of Gumbo Limbo, videos, internet access and classroom discussions,
Students should be able to:
-read a novel to justify how the scientific process is used to solve a mystery.
-demonstrate energy conversions.
-critique the statement that energy is neither created or destroyed.
-compare and contrast potential and kinetic energy.

Our do now was a quick write: explain the difference between potential energy and kinetic energy.

Students then submitted their science fair plans. If you have lost your science fair papers, scroll down to October 10/11 blog to find copies. You MUST submit a plan prior to beginning your project.

Our home learning is from the Reading Essentials for Florida Grade 7 book. Answer question 2 on page 77. You can also find it at the top of this blog. Remember to head your papers correctly and record the answers only, in letter form.

We then read from the novel The Missing 'Gator of Gumbo Limbo, verifying how the scientific process can be used to solve mysteries.

We viewed BrainPop movies on work and forms of energy.

We then took notes, using the 3 column method from the Reading Essentials book, pages 73-76.

We spent the remainder of the class learning about energy conversions by doing a Glencoe virtual lab. You can find the link by visiting drgcdms.podomatic.com.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Friday, 26 October and Monday, 29 October, 2007

Using information from the novel The Missing 'Gator of Gumbo Limbo, videos, internet access and classroom discussions,
Students should be able to:
-read a novel to justify how the scientific process is used to solve a mystery.
-choose a science fair project and complete a science fair plan.
-compare and contrast potential energy and kinetic energy.

Students completed a KWL chart on Energy. The K is for what you know, the W is for what you want to know, and the L is for what you learned.

We then read from the book The Missing 'Gator of Gumbo Limbo. For those students who were absent, you can listen to the book on my podcast, at drgcdms.podomatic.com. You must scroll down to September/October 2006. You can also download the podcast with iTunes. It is listed under Dr. Gayden in education, K12

We viewed BrainPop movies on potential energy and kinetic energy. Potential energy is the stored energy an object has based on its position or condition (size, mass). Kinetic energy is the energy of motion. The larger or heavier an object is, the more kinetic energy it will have.

Students then did a virtual lab that demonstrates the relationship between potential and kinetic energy. Go to the drgcdms.podomatic.com website and find the entry for Friday/Monday, October 26/29, 2007. Click the link to visit the Glencoe site and perform the activity. You can find the worksheet at the top of this blog.

Students then viewed BrainPop movies at their desk on Energy Sources and Forms of Energy.

We spent the remainder of the class period researching projects for the science fair. Remember, you cannot do a project that involves vertebrate animals, human behavioral studies, testing of any kind on human subjects, or use any microorganisms.

There are several good links to projects. Visit the site drgcdms.podomatic.com for several of them.

Remember, your science fair plan is due next class meeting. Visit the drgcdms.blogspot.com site if you lost your copy. Scroll down to Wednesday, 10 October and Thursdady, 11 October, 2007 to find the correct sheets.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Wednesday, 24 October and Thursday, 25 October, 2007

Using information from the novel The Missing 'Gator of Gumbo Limbo, internet access and classroom discussions,
Students should be able to:
-read a novel to justify how the scientific process is used to solve a mystery.
-choose a science fair project and complete a science fair plan.

Students completed question 2 on page 42 from Reading Essentials for Florida Science Grade 7. Remember, students, you are to bring your composition notebook, the Reading Essentials AND the FCAT mastery books to class each day. We then read from the book The Missing 'Gator of Gumbo Limbo. Those classes that did not complete the book report form did so today.

For those students who were absent, you can find the form at the top of this blog. You can listen to the book on my podcast, at drgcdms.podomatic.com. You must scroll down to September/October 2006. You can also download the podcast with iTunes. It is listed under Dr. Gayden in education, K12

We spent the remainder of the class period researching projects for the science fair. Remember, you cannot do a project that involves vertebrate animals, human behavioral studies, testing of any kind on human subjects, or use any microorganisms.

There are several good links to projects. Visit the site drgcdms.podomatic.com for several of them.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Monday, 22 October and Tuesday, 23 October, 2007

This is the book report form. Use either blue or black ink or pencil to record your answers. Be sure to use complete sentences. Read the questions carefully and answer all parts of the question.

Using information from the novel The Missing 'Gator of Gumbo Limbo and classroom discussions,
Students should be able to:
-read a novel to justify how the scientific process is used to solve a mystery.

The do now was to answer FCAT transparency questions. After the do now, students reviewed Exam 2 on The Nature of Matter. We then read from the book The Missing 'Gator of Gumbo Limbo and most classes completed the book report form. Due to early dismissal on Tuesday, some classes did not finish. Those classes will continue and finish the report on Thursday.

For those students who were absent, you can find the form at the top of this blog. You can listen to the book on my podcast, at drgcdms.podomatic.com. You must scroll down to September/October 2006. You can also download the podcast with iTunes. It is listed under Dr. Gayden in education, K12.

Home learning is to look for a science fair project and bring the plan to the next class meeting.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Thursday, 18 October and Friday, 19 October, 2007

This is the exam. Place the correct answers on your paper so that we can check your work next class!

This is the answer sheet. It must be submitted next class!

Using information from the novel The Missing 'Gator of Gumbo Limbo and classroom discussions,
Students should be able to:
-read a novel to justify how the scientific process is used to solve a mystery.
-take a SIZ assessment.

Our do now was to answer the following FCAT practice questions:
Which par of an atom has the smallest mass? A electron B neutron C nucleus D proton

Which type of particle will attract a negative particle? F a neutral particle G a positive particle H another negative particle
I a particle with no charge

After collecting the Florida Climate and Temperature products, we took the SIZ exam.

We spent the remainder of the class reading from the novel The Missing 'Gator of Gumbo Limbo. You can listen to the chapters by visiting the website drgcdms.podomatic.com. You'll have to scroll down to September, October, 2006. Or, you can subscribe to my podcast with iTunes, and download the chapters from that source.

Home learning is complete Exam 2. It MUST be submitted next class period. It can be found at the top of this blog.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tuesday, 16 October and Wednesday, 17 October, 2007

This is article 4. Use complete sentences to answer the questions. You may write in blue or black ink or pencil. Turn in this sheet for credit.

Using information from articles, laboratory experiments, and classroom discussions,
Students should be able to:
-research the weather project.
-compare and contrast chemical and physical changes.
-hypothesize, experiment, analyze data, and draw conclusions from an experiment.
-justify how atoms help date objects.
-take a quiz on atoms.

Our do now was to make up two teacher like questions about atoms and answer them. Students then took a quiz on atoms.

Next, we read an article about how radioactive isotopes are used to find information about a victim of murder. The article can be found at the top of this blog.

We took a few minutes to review for the project, due next class. Remember to visit the drgcdms.podomatic.com site to find information.

Finally, we did a lab on chemical change. Absent students can visit the drgcdms.podomatic.com site for an alternative lab.

Remember, the Florida Climate and Temperature project is due next class.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Friday, 12 October and Monday, 15 October, 2007

This is HL 12. Be sure to head your paper correctly. Only answer questions 1-5 on the bottom of the handout, as follows:
1) A_______ B_________
2) A_______ B_________
3) A_______ B_________
4) A_______ B_________
5) A_______ B_________
Place the correct answer in the appropriate space.

This sheet should be used to record your data from the FAWN weather site. Don't forget to convert inches to cm.

Here are the sheets you should use to graph your data. Be sure to include your legend or key. You may use pencil or colored pencils to make the double bar graphs.

Using information from the internet access and classroom discussions,
Students should be able to:
-construct models of atoms of different elements.
-apply research skills to the weather project.

Our do now was a quick write: What makes up atoms?

After reviewing HL 11 and distributing HL 12, students did online activities about the atom and its structure. You can go to drgcdms.podomatic.com to do the activities.

Students then worked on their Florida Climate project. Visit the drgcdms.podomatic.com site to find all the links you need to complete the project.

The data collection sheet for the project can be fond at the top of this blog, along with home learning 12.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Wednesday, 10 October and Thursday, 11 October, 2007

This is home learning #11. Head your paper correctly and write the answers only that complete the sentences.

Use this sheet to help prepare for the next lab.

This is your science fair plan sheet. Use the example to complete your own plan. I will give you a date later by which you must submit your completed plan. I will discuss your plans with you before you begin your project!

This rubrics is how you will be graded. Pay attention to the details!

This explains exactly what is required for the project board. Be sure to follow the directions.

This sheet should be attached to the back of your science fair display board. Be sure you can answer yes to all tasks.

Using information from the novel The Missing 'Gator of Gumbo Limbo, videos, hands-on activities, and classroom discussions,
Students should be able to:
-read a novel to justify how the scientific process is used to solve a mystery.
-take a quiz on matter.
-describe the atom.
-demonstrate knowledge of the physical properties of a material.

Our do now was to complete page 16 #4-6 of Mastering the FCAT.

Students then submitted HL 10, which was reviewed, and the short story. They also received HL 11, which can be found at the top of this blog. Students also received a FYI sheet on chemical changes. Students should read the handout, as it will help prepare for lab next week. The sheet can be found at the top of the blog. Safety glasses and contracts are MANDATORY for next week's lab!

Students also received handouts for the Science Fair Project. They can be found at the top of the blog.

We then watched two BrainPop movies, on atoms and atomic structure. A discussion followed, and students recorded two column notes on the atom, which included:

Parts of the Atom

Part Properties

Proton -positive charge
-inside the nucleus
-has a mass equal to that of the neutron
-atomic mass=protons + neutrons
-is equal to the atomic number of the element

Neutron -no charge
-inside the nucleus
-has a mass equal to that of the neutron
-atomic mass=protons + neutrons

Electron -negative charge
-outside the nucleus in an electron cloud
-has very little mass

After learning about the atom, students demonstrated their knowledge of physical properties of matter, by noting the properties of colored crystals before and after adding to water. The final product....a bouncing ball!

Monday, October 08, 2007

Monday, 8 October and Tuesday, 9 October, 2007

This is home learning 10. Be sure to read and follow the directions carefelly.

Read this sheet to help you answer home learning questions.

These are the instructions for short story one. Follow them carefully and completely!

Using information from laboratory experiments, handouts, movies, and classroom discussions,
Students should be able to:
-compare and contrast solids, liquids and gases.
-describe the properties of matter.
-use observations to discover the physical properties of matter.

Students do now was to answer question 6 on page 56 of Mastering the FCAT.

After the written reports were collected, students received home learning 10 and short story 1, both of which appear at the top of this blog. They also received a reading assignment to help with the home learning. That also appears at the top of this blog.

Students then watched BrainPop movies on the states of matter, matter changing states, and property changes.

We then took notes on matter and physical/chemical changes. The notes are as follows:

Properties of solids, liquids and gases
State Definite shape Definite volume Molecule placement Molecule movement

Solid yes yes oooooooooooooooo very little movement
very close together

Liquid no yes o o o o o o o moves easily and flow over each other
farther apart

Gas no no 0 0 0 moves easily and rapidly
very far apart

Students also recorded notes on physical and chemical changes, which are as follows:

Physical change-the form or appearance of matter changes, but not its composition. Changes in shape, size and state are physical changes. Breaking a glass is a physical change.

Chemical change-the identity of a substance changes due to its chemical properties and forms a new substance or substances. Burning paper is a chemical change. You can tell if a chemical change has occurred because gas can be formed, color can change, a precipitant can form, or energy is given off (exothermic) to the environment or removed (endothermic) from the environment.

Students then did lab 5 on observing properties. Students absent may go the the drgcdms.podomatic.com website and click the links for the make-up lab. The lab paper must be turned in at the beginning of the next class.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Thursday, 4 October and Friday, 5 October, 2007

Using information from laboratory experiments and classroom discussions,
Students should be able to:
-take a SIZ assessment.
-analyze results and draw conclusions from an experiment.

Students turned in the answer sheet for Exam 1 on The Nature of Matter and the answers were reviewed. I will post the answers next week. Remember, you might see similar questions on the mid-term!

Students then took the School Improvement Zone Assessment exam.

Finally, students completed the conclusions and analysis section for the density lab.

Remember, your written report on Energy Sources in Florida is due next class. Visit the drgcdms.podomatic.com site to find additional help or links. E-mail me with questions.

Also, bring your goggles for lab next class period!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Tuesday, 2 October and Wednesday, 3 October, 2007

Using information from laboratory experiments and classroom discussions,
Students should be able to:
-rank objects based on their density.
-take a quiz on the metrics system and density.

Students had a short quiz as their do now. After the do now, students received their home learning, which was a take home exam on The Nature of Science. All answers are to be on the answer sheet. Bring the answer sheet to class, along with the questions sheet. If you record your answers on the question sheet, you can check your work in class. The test and answer sheet are found at the top of this blog.

The remainder of the class was spent doing a density lab. Absent students can first go to the website: geocities.com/DrGCDMS and print out the individual investigation sheets. Then, use those sheets to do the lab, including the table and the journal questions for the lab found at http://www.glencoe.com/sites/common_assets/science/virtual_labs/BL01/BL01.html

Monday, October 01, 2007

Friday, 28 September and Monday, 1 October, 2007

Using information from the novel The Missing 'Gator of Gumbo Limbo, supplementary reading material, and classroom discussions,
Students should be able to:
-read a novel to justify how the scientific process is used to solve a problem.
-state the physical and chemical properties of matter.
-use technology to do research.

Our do now was page 1, questions 1 and 2 of hte Mastering the FCAT booklet. After reviewing article 3, students worked in the Reading Essentials for Florida Science book, pages 19-22. Students read about the physical and chemical propertis of matter.

Students spent the remainder of the block researching wither their GEEK scientist or their energy report.

Home learning is to complete the GEEK card for submission next class block.