Friday, August 29, 2008

Friday, 29 August, 2008

Using Information from textbooks and classroom discussions,
Students should be able to:
-list the steps of the scientific method and understand when each is used.

The do now was to answer the FCAT practice questions:

Students were asked to explain the amazing indestructible bag. A student was asked to sit in the chair while the teacher filled a zip-lock bag with colored water and placed it over their head. The teacher then stuck pencils into the bag. No water poured over the student's head. Why?

Students spent the remainder of the period reading and taking notes from the ScienceSaurus text, section 002 about scientific inquiry. Home learning is to complete the summary and question section of the Cornell notes

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thursday, 28 August, 2008

Using Information from textbooks and classroom discussions,
Students should be able to:
-utilize the scientific method to solve a problem.

The do now was to answer the FCAT practice questions:
FCAT Practice

Michael studied the effects of temperature and pressure on the expansion rate of gases. When publishing the results of the experiment for others to study, which of the following would be most important for Michael to include?
A. detailed steps in the procedures used
B. cost of the materials used in the study
C. acknowledgment of family members
D. name of the building where the experiments were performed

Over a hundred years ago, John Dalton proposed a model of the atom. In his model, the atom was a solid sphere. Scientific models of atoms have changed many times since Dalton’s original model. What is the best explanation for these changes to the atom’s model?
F. Modern society demands more accuracy in science.
G. Computer-generated art increases scientists’ artistic skills.
H. New information allows scientists to modify earlier ideas.
I. Scientists are more open to changing ideas than in the past.

A paleontologist is interested in the size and shape of a recently discovered bone. She thinks that it may have come from a previously unknown species of dinosaur. A microbiologist has isolated a type of bacterium that he thinks may be responsible for a new disease. What is the next best step that the scientists should take?
A. assume that their ideas are correct
B. draw conclusions about their discoveries
C. design investigations to test their theories
D. try to convince others to accept their ideas

Before constructing a new power plant, the builders are required to prepare an environmental impact statement. This document describes the effect that the construction and operation of the power plant will have on the nearby area. Why is it important to prepare an environmental impact statement before building the power plant?
F. The statement will outline the safety procedures for workers.
G. The statement helps the community protect its natural resources.
H. A written statement can be more easily converted into a news article.
I. The statement will assist the community in planning for new housing developments around the power plant.

For the thinking demo: Students were asked to write why they think a student sitting in a chair with both feet on the floor next to each other, sitting straight could not stand up (without using hands or bending back) when I placed my pointer finger in the middle of their forehead and pressed lightly.

We reviewed how to write Cornell notes. The home learning was to complete the summary section and the question section for today's notes using the Cornell notes format.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wednesday, 27 August, 2008

Using Information from textbooks and classroom discussions,
Students should be able to:
-use the scientific method to solve a problem.

Students were asked to state a problem for the following: Your mom agrees to give you a ride to school in the morning. However, the next morning, when she tries to start the car, it won't go. She asks, "Why won't my car start?" What hypothesis could you share with your mom to explain why her car won't start?

Students were asked to view a demonstration of a wheel seemingly turning and continuing to roll down a tack endlessly. They were to propose a hypothesis of why this happened.

Students watched the Brainpop movie on Scientific Method: click on the link below. On the page, scroll down and click on the link Scientific Methods:

Students then went through the movie again, listing the steps of the scientific method. They are:
Steps of the Scientific Method
1. State the problem-in this step students notice something out of the ordinary or that makes you ask a question. It's what you want to find out.
2. Do the research-think about what you've observed, list what you already know about the topic, look up information on the topic in a reliable source, make an inference about what you think is happening.
3. Form a hypothesis-make an educated guess based on those observations. The hypothesis should be a cause/effect statement.
4. Do an experiment-gather all the materials you will need, set up a procedures, list your controls, constants, and variables.
5. Gather data from your experiment, listing it in chart or table form, taking photos if necessary.
6. Analyze your data-use graphs, charts, to organize and present your data.
7. Draw conclusions-decide what your data is telling you. Does it support your hypothesis?
8. Share your findings with others-write about what you've found out.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tuesday, 26 August. 2008

Using Information from handouts and classroom discussions,
Students should be able to:
-construct an interactive science notebook.

The do now was to make up 2 teacher like questions from the words on HL #2 and answer them.

HL#3 was collected and reviewed.

Students spent the remainder of the period constructing their notebooks. Students also learned how to set up a Cornell notes page to take notes.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Monday, 25 August, 2008

Using Information from handouts classroom discussions,
Students should be able to:
-construct an interactive science notebook.

As a do now, students were asked to write a quick write explaining why the scientific process is used.

Home learning 2 was collected and reviewed, and HL #3 was distributed. It can be found at the top of this blog.

Students spent the remainder of the period constructing their interactive science notebooks.

Students should include:
-cover: name, ID number, period, subject (science) and Dr. Gayden (period 4 should include Mrs. Rodriguez)
-inside front cover: Annually Assessed Benchmarks for Science
-set aside the first nine pages for Table of Contents (YOU DO WRITE ON THE BACK, so there are actually 4.5 sheets!)
-inside back cover: teacher contact information

Friday, August 22, 2008

Friday, 22 August, 2008

Using Information from textbooks, laboratory experiments and classroom discussions,
Students should be able to:
-demonstrate the steps of the scientific process by thinking through demonstrations and activities.

Period 2 turned in HL #1 and all classes received HL #2, which can be found at the top of this blog.

Students completed a brain stimulator:
A sculptor named White, a violinist named Black, and an artist named Red meet in a cafe. One of these three says, "I have black hair, and you two have red hair and white hair, respectively, but none of us has a hair color that matches his name." White responds: "You are quite correct." What color is the artist's hair?

Students then watched a demonstration and were asked to explain why the events occurred. Students watched an empty paper cup ignite in less than 10 seconds, but watched as a paper cup of tap water did not ignite after over a minute. Groups discussed how making observations such as this lead scientists to new discovers, such as treating clothing to delay ignition by fire, as are garments worn by fire fighters and night ware worn by babies.

Students did the all tied up string activity and were asked to use the scientific method to get themselves out of the situation.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Thursday, 21 August. 2008

Students began learning about the Scientific Process. Teams were given a Might Bean and track and asked to develop a question that could be answered using the equipment. Students then tested their choices to determine if their hypothesis was confirmed.

Students also did a following directions inventory.

There was no home learning, except for period 2, who will do home learning 1.

Wednesday, 20 August, 2008

Welcome back to a new school year! I hope you enjoyed your additional two days off for Fay. But now, it's time to get back to learning science!

Students will receive their opening packages on Monday, in order to place the pages in their interactive notebook, n the meantime, here are the supplies you MUST come to class with on Monday:

separate science composition notebook
2 WORKING pens (blue or black ink only)
2 WORKING mechanical pencils
4 different colored highlighters
notebook with pocket section/folder for loose leaf papers and handouts
glue sticks
safety scissors
metric ruler
composition quadrille notebook
colored pencils
safety glasses (mandatory) placed in a small zip-lock plastic bag

Students also received a letter to take home to parents, which can be found at the top of this blog. We also discussed the grading scale.

Home learning is to be headed as indicated. HL #1 is: Write a paragraph about something you did this summer. Explain how what you did relates to science.

Monday, August 18, 2008

August 18, 2008

Welcome to Dr. Gayden's Science Zone! Here, you can check class assignments, find handouts, and find links to other assignments. Here are all the pages needed for your interactive science notebook, and them some. Pay attention to the order and to what goes on each page. Remember, the first nine pages (4.5 sheets) are for the table of contents.

Below is a welcome letter to parents.

Welcome to Dr. Gayden's Science Class...The Science Zone!

Below, find the contact forms and contracts for the class.

Below, find the page that describes how to set up the interactive notebook:

Below, find the page that should be on the INSIDE FRONT COVER (8th Grade Annually Assessed Benchmarks)

Below, find the TWO pages for page 1 of the notebook (after setting aside the first NINE pages for the table of contents. These two sheets should both be on page 1. Place the sheet numbered 1-25 on the BOTTOM. Place the sheet with HL #1-20 and NB check 1-6 on the TOP. Be sure you can see and write on BOTH pages.

Below, find the Cornell notes page, which should go on page 5 of your notebook.

Below, find the yearly assignments page, which should go on page 6 of your notebook. Assignments are subject to change. Check with the instructor to determine if any changes are to be made for a specific grading period.

Below, find Dr. Gayden's 3Rs, which stresses the rules, regulations, and requirements, including the grading scale and list of materials for class. This goes on page 7.

Below, find the Rules and Regulations for the class. This goes on page 8.

Below, find the safety regulations. These go on page 9.

Below, find the page that explains how all home learning is to be written and headed. This goes on page 10.

Below, find page A for the back of your notebook. This is the metric ladder.

Below, find page B for the back of your notebook. This is the Periodic Table of Elements

Below, find the Grade 8 FCAT Science Reference Sheet, which belongs on page C of your notebook.


Below, find the Science Equations/Benchmark Numeration System, which belongs on page D of your notebook.

Below, find the Lab Safety Skills sheet, which belongs on page E of your notebook.

Below, find Costa's Levels of Questioning, which belongs on page F of your notebook.

Below, find the Quality QUestions, which go on page G of your notebook.

Below, find the adult imput page, which should go on page H of your notebook (it's the last paper page!)

Below, find the teacher contact information, which goes on the INSIDE BACK COVER of your notebook.

The following pages are for the graphing lab notebook:
They should be placed in the notebook in this order:
Inside front cover - Equations page
Page 1, 2, and 3 - Table of Contents (DO NOT NUMBER THESE PAGES, JUST PLACE THEM ON THE FIRST THREE PAGES) The exact same sheet goes on all three pages.

Finally, find three pages to help you with writing Cornell notes. There are examples and explanations.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Generic Lab Write-up

Page 1

Page 2

Use these sheets whenever you are absent from class to make up a lab. Print them out. Go to Dr. Gayden's Science Zone to find the link to the make-up lab.