Wednesday, 30 April and Thursday, 1 May, 2008

This is lab 20. Print out these sheets and complete. You must use pencil for data and observations, blur or black ink for conclusions and analysis.

This sheet will help you complete the data section.
Using Information from laboratory experiments and classroom discussions,
Students should be able to:
-take an exam on how living things interact with their environment.
-identify the parts of a flower.
-determine the role of each flower part in reproduction.
The do now was a quick write: What are the purposed of flowers?
After article 2 was collected and reviewed, students took exam 7, how do living things interact with their environment.
Students then did lab 20 on flower dissection. Absent student should print out the lab sheets found at the top of this blog, buy an astermaria flower and perform the lab to be turned in by the next class. You MUST have an excused absence to make up the exam!
There was no independent home learning: students are to continue working on the project and written report.