Thursday, 29 May and Friday, 30 May, 2008

Using information from the novel "One Day in a Tropical Rain Forest", movies, and classroom discussions,
students should be able to:
-read a fictional novel to discover biological facts.
-describe how impairments in one organ system affect other organ systems and the organism.
-review for the final.
Students received copies of an extra credit assignment. The assignment will aide their final grade. The assignment must be turned in by the next class. If any did not receive the handouts, they must see me personally to get a copy. These are then due THE NEXT DAY!
Students also received the book report form for the novel "One Day in a Tropical Rain Forest". They should read the book at home and answer the questions on the handout. The handout can be found at the top of this blog. Students who did not read the book can see me for a copy or listen to the book being read at the Dr. Gayden Science Zone site (
We spent the remainder of the class watching the movie Osmosis Jones to learn how the body's systems are inter-connected. Since we did not finish the movie, we will finish it the next class meeting. Students are to keep their handouts and turn them in after the completion of the movie next week.
The home learning assignment is to finish the written report on Classification of Living Things, which is due next class. Be sure to follow ALL directions carefully!