Monday, 29 September, 2008

This is HL 11. Place answers on loose leaf paper, properly headed. Answers only.
Below, find the questions for HL 12. The topic is Physical and Chemical Properties. This is to be placed on a separate sheet of loose leaf paper. Answers only.
1. Name two properties that depend on size.
2. The boiling point of water in a tea kettle is the same as the boiling point in a 20-qt soup pot. Why?
3. List the different physical properties shown in the table.
4. Do more physical properties depend on size or not depend on size?
Using information from textbooks, movies from the internet, and classroom discussions,
Students should be able to:
-compare and contrast solids, liquids and gases.
-describe the properties of matter.
The do now was to make a KWL chart on matter.
After the do now, students passed in their exam homework and we reviewed the answers.
We then viewed Brainpop movies on states of matter and matter changing states.
Students then made 4 column notes on matter, which can be found below.

Students began reading and taking notes from the text on properties of matter. We will conclude the textbook readings on Wednesday. THere is no class on Tuesday.
Home learning 11 can be found at the top of this blog. In addition, HL 12 can be found in the take home text. Read Reading Essentials for Florida Science (REFL) pages 19-22 and answer on your own paper 1-4 p 20-21. Place the answers for HL 11 and HL 12 on different loose leaf pages. Be sure to head the papers correctly. Don't copy the questions. Answers only.
In addition, your GEEK of the Week technology project is due on Wednesday.