This is HL #4. Answer on loose leaf paper, headed correctly, as shown. Write using blue/black ink or pencil. Answers only.

This is article 1. Read and answer the questions found on the page below.

Write in blue/black ink or pencil. Use complete sentences. For the GIST, write across, one word per space. Write to tell the author's purpose or the main idea of the article. DO NOT begin with the words: "This article is about..." or "The main idea is..." or "The author's purpose is..."
Using information from virtual laboratory experiments and classroom discussions,
Students should be able to:
-describe the flow of heat energy.
-rationalize how heat energy is transferred.
-hypothesize and test how different materials transfer heat.
The do now was to copy and answer an FCAT short response question:
Jason is camping in the woods and does not have any matches to light a fire. He selects small sticks and rubs them together very quickly. Describe the energy conversion that occurs when Jason rubs the sticks together.
Students received Article 1 on plug-in vehicles and HL #4 on heat. Both os these assignments are due in class on Wednesday. Follow the directions for each sheet. They can be found at the top of this blog.
Students then took a quiz on energy and energy transformations.
Students watched BrainPop movies on heat and temperature.
Finally, students did the GIZMO activity Heat Transfer by Conduction, found at www.explorelearning.com. You must have your username and password to log in. E-mail me for these items if you have misplaced/forgotten them. We will, however, continue this assignment on Wednesday.