Friday, January 30, 2009

Friday, 30 January, 2009

Using information from the textbook and classroom discussions,
Students should be able to:
-describe how balanced forces affect motion.
-explain how net force, mass, and acceleration are related.
-identify action and reaction forces.

The do now was from the Mastering the FCAT book, page 26 question 31:
An automobile approaching a traffic signal comes to a complete stop. What is the direction of the force acting on the automobile with respect to the motion of the automobile? Explain your answer.

Since this is a short response question, be sure to use part of the question in your answer. Use complete sentences and answer only what is asked. Your answer should be three to four sentences long.

Students then took 3 column notes on Newton's laws. They made a table in their notes with the column headings:

Newton's Laws of Motion
Law----State the Law-----------Example or Illustration of the Law

Students read aloud from the text from pages 110-115 and completed the chart using the information from the text. Those students at home can use the Reading Essentials book, pages 53-57 to find the information needed to complete the table.

There is no home learning assignment.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thursday, 29 January, 2009

Using information from internet access and classroom discussions,
students should be able to:
-review science concepts using the FCAT Explorer website.

The do now was a quick write: What is friction? How does friction affect motion?

Today is an early release day.

Classes will work on reviewing science concepts presented thus far by using the FCAT explorer site. The web site is: If you do not know your user name and password, please email me. Your user name is your last name first initial. For example, John Doe's user name would be: DOEJ. You need to see me for your password.

Once on the site, students should find the section for science, then click the Science Voyager (grade 8) link. Then, click on the Lessons link found in the upper left part of the ship. Do the Motion and Forces section first. When you complete this section successfully, then do the sections How Science Works, Particulate Nature of Mater, and Energy and Its Transformations.

There is no home learning for today, since it is early release day.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wednesday, 28 January, 2009

Using information from videos from the laboratory experiments, videos from the internet, and classroom discussions,
students should be able to:
-analyze data and draw conclusions from an experiment.

The do now was from the Mastering the FCAT book, pages 27, #33-35.

After reviewing the do now. Students submitted HL 5, 6, and 7 and reviewed the answers. Remember, record your scores on your assignment sheet in your notebook.

Students then completed the conclusions and analysis section for the lab on speed. Remember, absent students, there is a make-up lab at the Dr. Gayden's Science Zone site found on the Tuesday, 27 January date.

We then watched the brainpop on Newton's Laws of Motions.

The home learning is to update the interactive notebook.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tuesday, 27 January, 2009

The above is HL #5.

The above is HL #6.

The above is HL #7.

These are HL sheets. ALL should be headed correctly, on SEPARATE sheets, in blue/black ink or pencil.

These are the lab sheets to be used for the make-up lab on What is the relationship between distance, average speed, and time? Be sure to click the table/graph button to find the data table. Copy the data table under the section marked Data and Observations. Fill out the data table in PENCIL.

Using information from laboratory experiments and classroom discussions,
students should be able to:
-form a hypothesis about how speed is affected by mass.
-gather data from an experiment.
-analyze data and draw conclusions from an experiment.

The do now was a quiz on speed, velocity, and acceleration.

Students received HL 5, HL 6, and HL 7. They can be found at the top of this blog. EACH is to be done in blue or black ink or pencil on SEPARATE sheets of loose leaf notebook paper! Be sure to follow the written directions for each.

Classes that needed to complete the practice for solving speed and acceleration problems did so.

The remainder of the period was spent on Lab 12 on Speed. Those students who were absent should first
print out the lab sheets found at the top of this blog. Then, they should go to Dr. Gayden's Science Zone ( for the date Tuesday, 27 January, 2009 and click on the link for the lab. They are to copy the table into the data and observation section and complete the lab using that online lab.

Once again, HL can be found at the top of this blog.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Monday, 26 January, 2009

Using information from internet access, handouts, and classroom discussions,
students should be able to:
-solve speed and acceleration problems.
-predict how velocity vectors determine the position of a moving object.

The do now was page 26 of the Mastering the FCAT book, questions 32. Since this is a short response FCAT questions, be sure to restate what is known, and use the words net force and acceleration in your answer. Your answer should be three to four sentences long, and follow grammatical rules.

Classes that needed to complete the practice problems for HL #4 did so using the clicker system.

Students visited Dr. Gayden's Science Zone ( for the date Monday, 26 January. They completed the activities on both links.

Link one taught students how to read and interpret distance/time graphs.

Link two showed students how velocity vectors determine location.

The home learning is to study for a quiz.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday, 23 January, 2009

Using information from videos from the internet, handouts, and classroom discussions,
students should be able to:
-compare the concepts of acceleration, speed and velocity.
-differentiate between balanced and unbalanced forces.
-solve speed and acceleration problems.

The do now was to make up Costa's leveled questions (one from each of the three levels) about the notes from Jan 22. Be sure to use highlighters to mark questions with corresponding answers in your notes. Also, write a summary of the notes at the bottom of the first Cornell notes page.

Home learning 4 was collected. The review was with the clicker system and served as a practice session on how to solve speed and acceleration problems.

Those classes that had not finished notes also completed notes on balanced and unbalanced forces, from HL #3.

The home work was to update the interactive notebook and be prepared for a notebook check on Monday.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Home learning should be done on loose leaf notebook paper, in blue/black ink or pencil. Be sure to head your paper as directed (see page 10 in your interactive notebook). Answers only. Be sure to record the units for each problem.

Using information from handouts and classroom discussions,
students should be able to:
-compare the concepts of acceleration, speed and velocity.
-differentiate between balanced and unbalanced forces.

The do now was to update the interactive notebook. Students made sure to write level one, level two, and level three questions from the notes on Wednesday. They then used their highlighters to color coordinate questions to answers in the Cornell notes. Students also summarized the notes on the bottom of the Cornell notes page.

Students received and reviewed home learning 4, which can be found at the top of this blog.

The remainder of the period was spent reading and taking notes from home learnings 1, 2, and 3. Students should use the Cornell notes system to take notes. Also, be sure to place the handouts in the notebook.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wednesday, 21 January, 2009

Using information from videos from the internet, handouts, and classroom discussions,
students should be able to:
-compare the concepts of acceleration, speed and velocity.
-differentiate between balanced and unbalanced forces.

The do now was page 25 of the Mastering the FCAT book, questions 28-30.

Students reviewed Home learnings 1, 2, and 3.

Students watched a BrainPop movie on acceleration.

The remainder of the period was spent reading the handouts and using the Cornell notes system to take notes.

For home work, please update your notebook, writing leveled questions (see page F in your interactive notebook). Use highlighters to coordinate the questions and answers. Also, summarize the notes.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tuesday, 20 January, 2009

There should be THREE SEPARATE SHEETS handed in!

Due to school-wide lessons on the Inauguration, no science lesson is planned. There is, however, science HOMEWORK, which can be found above these sentences. Be sure to write using blue/black ink or pencil on LOOSE LEAF notebook paper, headed correctly (upper right hand corner ABOVE the first line:

Last name, First name
January 20, 2009
Period ___
HL #1

What are speed and velocity?

Last name, First name
January 20, 2009
Period ___
HL #2

What is acceleration?

Last name, First name
January 20, 2009
Period ___
HL #3

What are balanced and unbalanced forces?

In all cases, follow the directions at the top of the handout, or ANSWERS ONLY!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thursday, 15 January, 2009

Students will be working on their interactive science notebooks. Please scroll down to August 8, 2008 to obtain the handouts and find the order in which they are to be placed in the notebook.

There WILL be a notebook check on Monday. Your table of contents and pages 1-10 should be in order!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Monday, 12 January; Tuesday, 13 January; and Wednesday, 14 January, 2009

Students are taking the objective portion of the mid-term examinations.

Be sure to bring your science interactive composition notebook, scissors, and glue sticks to class on Thursday to update your notebooks!

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Wednesday, 7 January; Thursday, 8 January; and Friday, 9 January, 2009

Students will take the essay portion of the mid-term. Study all notes from the beginning of the year up to the present to prepare for the exam.

Monday, January 05, 2009

Monday, 5 January and Tuesday, 6 January, 2009

Students are taking District Interim assessments. Study for Mid-term exams, which begin on Wednesday!