Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tuesday, 26 May through Thursday, 28 May, 2009

This is the exam. Mark your answers on these sheets and bring to class on Wednesday to check your answers.

This is the answer sheet for the exam. Use blue/black ink or pencil. this is due in class on Wednesday.

Students will be able to:
use information from texts, supplementary texts, and classroom discussions to:
-begin composition of music video.
-take objective final.
-present their music selection to the class.

Students submitted their Growth and Development projects.

Classes will be taking objective Final exams this week.

Classes not taking the exam will work on and present their music video project.

On Tuesday, there is a take home exam on Processes of Life. It is due in class on Wednesday, no exception. You can find the exam and answer sheet at the top of this blog. You need only turn in the answer sheet. Place the exam in your notebook for the final notebook check this week.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Friday, 22 May, 2009

Students will be able to:
use information from supplementary materials and classroom discussions to:
-begin composition of music video.

Students submitted and reviewed HL 18 throrugh 20.

We took a quiz on body systems.

Students worked on their music video presentations for the assigned body system.

Remember, your Growth and Development Project is due in class on Tuesday.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thursday, 21 May, 2009

This is HL #18. Use blue/black ink or pencil. Head your paper correctly. Follow the printed directions.

This is HL #19. Use blue/black ink or pencil. Head your paper correctly. Follow the printed directions.

This is HL #20. Use blue/black ink or pencil. Head your paper correctly. Follow the printed directions. All three of these should be done on the same sheet. Do them in order; don't forget the titles.

Students will be able to:
use information from movies from the internet and classroom discussions to:
-take notes on body sysems.
-begin composition of music video.

Students received HL 18, 19, and 20, which can be found at the top of this blog. HL 20 has three parts: do them in order on the same sheet of paper.

Students watched BrainPop movies on human body systems and took notes. See yesterday's blog for the format for the three column notes and the systems studied. If you were absent and cannot see the movies, use HL 15-20 to take the notes.

Students spent the remainder of the class time working on their music video presentations for the assigned body system.

Home learning sheets can be found at the top of this blog.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wednesday, 20 May, 2009

Use these pictures to help you decide if you have widow's peak, mid-digit hair, can roll tongue, or free or attached ear lobes.

Students will be able to:
use information from the laboratory experiment and classroom discussions to:
-determine the probability of the appearance of a set of physical traits in an individual.
-take notes on the human body systems.

Students copied a three column chart into their notes in preparation of taking notes from the brainpop movies. The chart should be set up as:
Body Systems
System---------Organs in System------------Function or Purpose

Leave space to write. We did not complete the movies and notes today (some classes did not start), but will complete these notes tomorrow.

Students completed the lab from yesterday on Genetic Variation. You can find the handouts at the top of yesterday's blog. Print them out and complete them. Ask family members or friends to participate so that you can get the traits for at least 10 people.
You can find a picture at the top of this blog that will help you identify some of the traits.

There was no home learning, except to update the interactive notebook for a check tomorrow. Be sure you have notes for the BrainPop movies.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tuesday, 19 May, 2009

This is HL #15. Check (1-3) Write true if true or the correct word if false. Do not write false. Head your loose leaf paper correctly. Use blue/black ink or pencil.

This is HL #16. Check (1-3) Write only the word that completes the blank. Do not write false. Head your loose leaf paper correctly. Use blue/black ink or pencil.

This is HL #17. Apply (6-7). Write only the name of the correct muscle. Head your loose leaf paper correctly. Use blue/black ink or pencil.

This is Article 4. Read the article. Print out the question sheet. Use blue/black ink or pencil.

These are the handouts for Lab 23. Be sure to use pencil to do the data section.

Students will be able to:
use information from the laboratory experiments, articles from science magazines, and classroom discussions to:
-determine the probability of the appearance of a set of physical traits in an individual.
-read an aritcle for scientific content.

Students took a quiz on Animals and Animal Behaviors.

Students received HL 15, HL #16, and HL #17. These are to be done on separate sheets of loose leaf paper, headed correctly, in blue/black ink or pencil. Answers only. Follow the printed directions on each sheet. The pages can be found at the top of this blog.

Students read and completed Article 4 on Bug Bites. This can also be found at the top of the blog.

Finally, students began Lab 23 on Genetic Variations. We will finish it in class on Wednesday. The handouts are at the top of the page.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Monday, 18 May, 2009

Students will be able to:
use information from the laboratory experiments and classroom discussions to:
-use a heart monitor to measure heart rate.
-determine the effect of exercise on heart rate.
-determine recovery time.
-interpret data and draw conclusions from an experiment.

Students did the laboratory experiment. If you were absent, you must modify the lab. Print out the lab handout found at the top of this page. Use the following procedures:
1. Stand still and straight for 100 seconds. Breath regularly. For the last 15 seconds of the 100 seconds, use your hand to take your pulse at your wrist. Count the number of beats and multiply this by 4. This is your standing heart rate.
2. Run in place for 100 seconds. For the last 15 seconds, measure your pulse and multiply by 4. This is your maximum heart rate.
3. Stand still for 200 seconds, then take your pulse for 15 seconds. This will be your recovery time.

Follow the remainder of the instructions on the lab sheet. If possible, have someone else also do the activity so that you have someone to compare your results with.

There was no home learning.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Friday, 15 May, 2009

Students will be able to:
use information from the novel Julie of the Wolves to:
-recognize biotic factors, abiotic factors, and energy transfers (food chains) in the novel.

Students submitted and reviewed HL #14.

Students spent the remainder of the period reading the novel. If you wish to hear the latest installment, read by your peers, go to Dr. Gayden's Science Zone (drgcdms.podomatic.com) or download the episode from iTunes. Just search for Dr. Gayden under education to find the episode.

There was no home learning.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thursday, 14 May, 2009

Students will be able to:
use information from internet access to:
-research information for the project My Growth and Development.

Students received instructions for HL #14. You are to read your Florida Reading Essentials book (paper back green book that you took home. Read pages 213-239. On a separate sheet of loose leaf notebook paper, in blue/black ink or pencil, correctly head your paper and record your answers. You will be writing answers only. Do not copy the questions.

Because of the large number of pages, the reading sections will not be displayed at the top of the blog. However, the questions are as follows:

page 216 #2 - Describe 5 common characteristics of animals.
page 218 #2 - What type of symmetry do flatworms have?
page 219 #3 - What is a radula?
page 219 #4 - What is another name for segmented worms?
page 220 #5 - Like arthropods, you have appendages. Name two human appendages.
page 221 #7 - List two examples of echinoderms.
page 226 #4 - Identify the largest group of reptiles.
page 229 #8 - What kind of fertilization do all mammals have in common?
page 232 #2 - Which animal likely has more learned behaviors-a spider or a monkey? Why?
page 239 #4 - What is bioluminescence?

Go to page 216 to begin the reading assignment. You will be reading What is an animal, Invertebrate animals, Vertebrate animals, Types of behavior, and Behavioral Interactions.

Good news! You CAN read the pages online! Type in or copy the following link into your browser address:


Students spent the remainder of the class period researching background information for their project on growth and development. Visit Dr. Gayden's Science Zone (drgcdms.podomatic.com) for links to find information for the first six paragraphs of the background.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wednesday, 13 May, 2009

These are the handouts for lab 21 on flower dissection. Be sure to use pencil for the data and observations section.

Students will be able to:
use information from hands-on activities and classroom discussions to:
-determine how the parts of a flower play a role in reproduction.
-identify the parts of a flower.

Students turned in HL #12 and HL !3 and reviewed.

We then took a quiz using the CPS system on plants. If you have an excused absences, you will take the quiz in class on Thursday.

Students then did lab 21 on plant dissection. The lab sheets can be found at the top of this blog. The data is to be done in pencil. Use home learning sheets 8-5 (What are flowers?), 8-6 (How do flowers reproduce?) and 8-7 (What re fruits and seeds?) to find the function of each plant part. Obtain an Alstroemeria flower. Use it to count the number of flower parts indicated on the lab sheet. Draw the specified parts. You may also use the pictures found at this site in lieu of a live flower:

Dissected flower

Picture of entire flower

The active links can be found by visiting Dr. Gayden's Science Zone (drgcdms.podomatic.com)

There was no home learning.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tuesday, 12 May, 2009

These are the sheets for HL #12. Be sure to do both on the same sheet of loose leaf notebook paper, correctly headed in blue/black ink or pencil. Follow the directions. Be sure to include the titles (What are gymnosperms, What are angiosperms?)

These are the sheets for HL #13. Be sure to do both on the same sheet of loose leaf notebook paper, correctly headed in blue/black ink or pencil. Follow the directions. Be sure to include the titles (What are flowers? What are tropisms?)

These are read only sheets. Study for the quiz. Include them in your interactive notebook.

Students will be able to:
use information from internet access and classroom discussions to:
-identify characteristics of plants.
-explain the function and structure of plant parts.
-identify the relationship between a stimulus and a tropism in plants.
-explain how plant hormones and responses are related.

The do now was a quick write: What is photosynthesis?

Students received HL #12 and HL # 13, which can be found at the top of this blog, along with other read only sheets. But there will be a quiz on all the material!

Students spent the remainder of the class learning about plants, plant parts, and plant responses. Visit the yLearn site:
Sign in with your first and last name.

For flowering plants, use the access code: scf131
For Plant movements, use the access code: scf132

When finished, visit Dr. Gayden's Science Zone (drgcdms.podomatic.com), click the second link, and visit the BBC site on flowering plants. Be sure to copy the flower and its labeled parts in your notebook. Read each slide, do the activity, and then take the quiz.

Remember, home learning sheets ( HL #12 and HL #13) are at the top of the blog.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Monday, 11 May, 2009

Students will be able to:
use information from internet access and classroom discussions to:
-identify characteristics of plants.
-explain the function and structure of plant parts.
-identify the relationship between a stimulus and a tropism in plants.
-explain how plant hormones and responses are related.

The do now was to make a KWL table about plants, and record what is known and want to know about plants. Don't forget to complete the last column, learned before you leave class!

Students watched two BrainPop movies: Plant Growth and Seed Plants. You can see them by using the user name and password supplied in class. Write me at DrGCDMS@dadeschools.net if you have forgotten or misplaced the username and password.

Students spent the remainder of the class learning about plants, plant parts, and plant responses. Visit the yLearn site:
Sign in with your first and last name.

For flowering plants, use the access code: scf131
For Plant movements, use the access code: scf132

There was no home learning.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Friday, 8 May, 2009

Students will be able to:
use information from internet access and classroom discussions to:
-diagram the life cycle of a virus.
-describe modalities of infection.

The do now was a quick write: Are you afraid of contracting the Swine Flu? Write to explain.

Students reviewed HL #11.

We watched BrainPop movies on Viruses and the Swine Flu. In order to watch, visit www.brainpop.com and log in using the user name and password supplied to you. You may email me at DrGCDMS@dadeschools.net for these if you have forgotten them.

Students then visited the GIZMO website at www.explorelearning.com. Use the user name and password supplied to you. You may email me at DrGCDMS@dadeschools.net for these if you have forgotten them.

Once you log in, scroll down to the bottom of the page. Lauch the GIZMO Virus Life Cycle (Lytic). Be sure to draw the life cycle of a virus, including an explanation for each stage.

View the simulated infection of the host bacteria cell by the virus. Then, answer the five assessment questions at the bottom of the screen. This will serve as quiz 5.

Next, click on the house at the top of the page to return to your home page. Then, scroll down to the bottom of the page and launch the GIZMO disease spread. You do not have to answer the questions, but try all combinations possible in the GIZMO.

There was no home learning.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Thursday, 7 May, 2009

This is HL #11. Use loose leaf notebook paper, blue/black pen or pencil, head your paper correctly, write the title, answers only (true or the word that would make the statement true).

This is the do now activity.

Students will be able to:
use information from movies from the internet, internet access, and classroom discussions to:
-compare and contrast the six kingdoms of living things according to their physical and behaviroal similarities and differences.
-correctly identify the kingdom clasifications of a variety of organisms.

The do now was a handout on classification. It can be found at the top of this blog.

Students received HL #11, which can also be found at the top of this blog. Read and follow directions.

We then watched BrainPop movies on classification and the Six Kingdoms. To view: log into BrainPop at www.brainpop.com. Use the user name: millercreekschool The password:millercreek
Search for the two movies and view: Classification, Six Kingdoms.

Students then did more reading on classification, by visiting Dr. Gayden's Science Zone (drgcdms.podomatic.com). Click on the links to find activities about classification. Take notes.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Wednesday, 6 May, 2009

Students will be able to:
use information from movies from the internet and classroom discussions to:
-describe the functions of various animal cell parts.
-describe the functions of various plant cell parts.
-compare and contrast animal and plant cells.
-discuss how living cells are similar to a school.

Students set up a Cornell Notes page and drew a animal and a plant cell. Use the link below {or go to Dr Gayden's Science Zone, using today's date (drgcdms.podomatic.com), and click the first link} to find the animal cells:


Now, draw the plant cell, found at the link below, or the second link on Dr. Gayden's Science Zone:


Finally, make a four column table in your notes. Use a full sheet of paper, skipping 3 to 4 lines for each organelle. The list of organelles can be found below. Use the web site at the bottom to find the function of each of these organelles. Then, write the thing in a school that is similar to that organ's function in the third column and give your reason in the fourth column.

For example, for nucleus, the function is the control center of the cell, contains all the cell's genetic material. The similarity to school would be the principal, because he/she controls the school, and has access to all the information about staff and students.

Table headings
Organelle/Function/Similarity to School/Reasoning
cell membrane
cell wall
endoplasmic reticulum
Golgi bodies

Use the site below to complete the table. Click on the cells tab. If asked to register, click maybe later to go directly to the site.

There was no home learning.


Monday, May 04, 2009

Tuesday, 5 May, 2009

This is article 3. It is due in class on Tuesday.

This is the lab sheet for the animal and plant lab. Print it out. Use pencil to complete the data section.

These sheets can be used to help write the background for your project on Growth and Development.

Students will be able to:
use information from movies from the internet, virtual laboratories, and classroom discussions to:
-describe the functions of various animal cell parts.
-describe the functions of various plant cell parts.
-compare and contrast animal and plant cells.
-discuss how living cells are similar to factories.

Students received their interactive notebooks.

Students received Article 3, Fortune Telling, which is due in class tomorrow. It can be found at the top of this blog.

Students also received handouts to aide in writing the background for the Growth and Development project. They can also be found at the top of this project.

Students watched BrainPop movies on cells, cell structure, and cell specialization.

We spent the remainder of the class doing lab 20 on animal and plant cells. The lab sheet can be found at the top of this blog. The link for the lab can be accessed by visiting Dr. Gayden's Science Zone (drgcdms.podomatic.com).

Monday, 4 May, 2009

Students will be able to:
use information from the interim assessment, the novel "Julie of the Wolves", and classroom discussions to:
-read a novel for scientific information.
-review the interim assessment exam.

Students turned in their written reports. Those that turn them in on Tuesday will begin with a C as the highest grade possible.

Students then reviewed the interim assessment. The grade counts as exam 7.

We spent the remainder of the period reading the novel "Julie of the Wolves". Don't forget to record all biotic and abiotic factors, as well as any energy interactions seen in a food chain.

Those that wish to hear the book read, especially for absent students, should visit Dr. Gayden's Science Zone. Click any episodes and listen to your classmates read the novel to you!

There was no home learning.

Friday, May 01, 2009

Friday, 1 May, 2009

Students will be able to:
use information from internet access and classroom discussions to:
-research information for the written report Classification Of Living Things.

Students submitted home learnings 9 and 10 and reviewed. They also submitted article 1 on the Amazing Race and reviewed the answers.

Students spent the remainder of the class period researching information for the written report on Classification of Living Things. You can visit Dr. Gayden's Science Zone (drgcdms.podomatic.com) for links to find ALL the information needed to write your report. Scroll down to Thursday, 30 April, 2009 to find the links. You will need to read the entire page to find the appropriate answers.

For the rubrics and the chart to record your classifications, scroll down in this site to Tuesday, 21 April, 2009. There, you will find the handouts needed to complete this report. Follow the directions!

The report is due on Monday.