Tuesday, 26 May through Thursday, 28 May, 2009

This is the exam. Mark your answers on these sheets and bring to class on Wednesday to check your answers.

This is the answer sheet for the exam. Use blue/black ink or pencil. this is due in class on Wednesday.
Students will be able to:
use information from texts, supplementary texts, and classroom discussions to:
-begin composition of music video.
-take objective final.
-present their music selection to the class.
Students submitted their Growth and Development projects.
Classes will be taking objective Final exams this week.
Classes not taking the exam will work on and present their music video project.
On Tuesday, there is a take home exam on Processes of Life. It is due in class on Wednesday, no exception. You can find the exam and answer sheet at the top of this blog. You need only turn in the answer sheet. Place the exam in your notebook for the final notebook check this week.