Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wednesday, 30 September, 2009

This is the do now sheet. Use your laboratory safety rules to determine which activities are unsafe and why.

Find out what SpongeBob and Patrick are up to in the lab. Not everything they do is safe! Help them out by pointing out the errors in the science laboratory experience.

Be sure you AND your parent/guardian complete the contract. No signed contract = no labs = Fs when we perform labs!

Students will be able to:
use information from handouts, and classroom discussion to
-review laboratory safety rules.

Students were given a handout (see above this blog) and used page C of their interactive notebook (lab safety) to complete the handout.

Students then took a quiz on variables.

Students reviewed lab safety sheet on page C, noting the various safety equipment located in the classroom.

Students then did a SpongeBob safety sheet by underlining any safety rules violations that SpongeBob, Patrick, or Gary encountered.

The G.E.E.K. card is due tomorrow.

On Friday, the science fair project plan needs to be submitted.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tuesday, 29 September, 2009

Students will be able to:
use information from internet access to
-research the assigned G.E.E.K. scientists.
-write up the science fair project plan.

Students were in the media center today. They used texts, journals, and internet sources to write their science fair plan. All plans are due by Friday. If you need ideas, Google the topic you wish, visit, or visit Dr. Gayden's Science Zone ( for links to several sites that promote science fair projects.

Remember, short stories were due today. Bring yours in tomorrow (with a 10 point penalty for lateness) if you have not done so already. Also, your G.E.E.K. scientist card is due on Thursday, 1 October.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Friday, 25 September, 2009

Students will be able to:
use information from internet access and classroom discussions to
-research the assigned G.E.E.K. scientist.
-compare and contrast acids and bases.
-describe the properties of metals.

The do now was to journal or complete your interactive notebook. Make sure that for EACH date, you have questions, a summary, and use your highlighters to link your questions on the left of the page to the answers within the Cornell notes. If the notes were a summary of an experiment, be sure you have drawn something to represent the experiment and written a review of the conclusions of the experiment. Try to use color when you draw your representations!

Students watched BrainPop movies on metals, acids and bases, and pH. Email me for the username and password so that you can watch the movies at home!

Students then did research on their assigned G.E.E.K. scientist. Remember, the project card is due in class on October 1.

Finally, students used the internet to learn about and take notes on metals, acids and bases, and pH. Visit Dr. Gayden's Science Zone ( and scroll down to Thursday, 24 September, 2009 to find the link. Once on the page, scroll down to lessons 5 on metals, 13 on Acids and Alkalis (British name for bases), and 19 on pH. Be sure to record the summary portion in your Cornell notes section. Also, make sure you ask your three leveled questions, use color highlighters to link the question to the answers, and summarize the main points on the bottom of your Cornell notes page.

Your short story on Matter is due in class on Tuesday! For rubrics and a sample story, see the blog posted on Thursday, 24 September, 2009.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thursday, 24 September, 2009

These are the handouts for short story 1. It is due in class on Tuesday, 29 September. Be sure to follow the rubrics.

Students will be able to:
use information from laboratory investigations and classroom discussions to
-draw conclusions from an experiment.

Students updated the interactive notebook by journaling about Lab 1 on How a controlled experiment is performed and on Lab 2 on Density. For both, state the problem, hypothesis, independent variable, dependent variable, control, and constants. Also, in the question section of the Cornell notes, draw something to remind you of the lab activity. Finally, summarize the results of the experiment in the summary section of the notes.

Don't forget to update the table of contents and the assignment sheet!

Students were assigned a short story. The handouts can be found at the top of this blog. The short story is due in class on Tuesday, 29 September.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wednesday, 23 September, 2009

Students will be able to:
use information from laboratory investigations and classroom discussions to
-draw conclusions from an experiment.

The do now was a quick write. Students wrote to explain how they could prove that a substance has a specific density.

Students then finished up the density lab. Once again, absent students should see the blog from Monday and the podcast from Monday of this week for instructions to make up the lab.

There was no home learning.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tuesday, 22 September, 2009

These are the home learning sheets for HL 39. Do them in order. Use the guide to help you set up and answer the questions correctly. I apologize for having the sheet upside down. Just imagine it properly situated BEFORE you do your home learning!

Students will be able to:
use information from laboratory investigations and classroom discussions to
-determine the mass and volume of various samples.
-calculate the density of various samples.
-rank samples based on their density.

To best utilize our time in class, students began the lab as soon as they entered the class. Today, they found the volumes of the various cylinders and calculated the densities of the cylinders.

Students also received HL #9, which can be found at the top of this blog. Use the guide to help you set up and answer the questions.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Monday, 21 September, 2009

These handouts are for making up Lab 2 on Density ONLY! Do NOT print them if you were in class to do the actual lab. Print them only if you were absent on BOTH Monday and Tuesday. Then, visit and click the glencoe link for Monday/Tuesday, 21/22 September, 2009 to access the lab. Complete the handouts using this site.

Students will be able to:
use information from laboratory investigations and classroom discussions to
-determine the mass and volume of various samples.
-calculate the density of various samples.
-rank samples based on their density.

The do now was a quick write: Write to explain the difference between mass and weight.

Students spent the remainder of the class time completing a lab on density. Since this is an in class lab, you will have to make up a virtual lab that is not quite the same as this lab. See the information at the top of this blog, and also go to for Monday/Tuesday, 21/22 September, 2009 to find further directions.

There was no nightly home learning.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday, 18 September, 2009

Students will be able to:
use the information from past knowledge and classroom discussions to
-take an assessment exam.

Students submitted home learning 8 and reviewed it.

Notebooks will be returned on Monday, so keep all pages (HL #7 and HL #8, handout from book notes) to put in the notebook when it is returned. You will also update the notebook on Monday with information on the controlled experiment lab on heat absorption and jacket color.

Students spent the remainder of the period taking an assessment exam.

Remember students, you received information for your science fair project, due November 30. We will be visiting the media center in the near future to allow you to complete your science fair plan. The plan must be approved prior to beginning your science fair project. Look back to the blog from Tuesday, 15 September, 2009 for the handouts.

Also, your G.E.E.K. project is due on October 1. Look back to the blog from Wednesday, 16 September, 2000 for the handouts. See me to receive your scientist's name.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thursday, 17 September, 2009

Students will be able to:
use the information from textbooks and classroom discussions to
-describe the properties of matter.
-differentiate between solids, liquids, and gases.

Today was an early release day, and only periods 1, 3, and 5 met.

The do now was a quick write: Write all the physical properties of an ice cube.

Students then learned about molecule placement in solids, liquids, and gases. They made a foldable to record their information. After role playing and discussion, students were asked to use their newly gained knowledge to write definitions of the states of matter. They also drew representations of the molecules in solids, liquids, and gases. They listed examples of each.

Students also discussed the difference between mass and weight. They also discussed volume and density, other physical properties of matter.

Remember, home learning 8 on chemical and physical changes is due in class tomorrow. Be sure to head your paper correctly. If you lost your handout, you can find it at the top of yesterday's blog.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wednesday, 16 September, 2009

This is HL #8. Head your loose leaf paper correctly, use blue/black ink or pencil. Write the answers (C or P) only.

These sheets explain how to do the GEEK project. Follow the instructions as printed.

Students will be able to:
use the information from videos textbooks and classroom discussions to
-explain how scales, balances, graduated cylinders, and thermometers are used to describe properties of substances.
-describe the properties of matter.
-describe physical properties of metals.

The do now was to make an ABC list of the physical properties of matter. For instance, A might be Ability to attract iron to itself. B might be boiling point. C might be color. D might be density.

Students turned in and reviewed HL #7. They also received HL #8, which can be found at the top of this blog. This home learning is not due until Friday, but was passed out today, since tomorrow is early release and all classes will not meet.

Students also received their scientist, picture and card to make their G.E.E.K. card. The handout can be found at the top of this blog. You must see me to get the card and the name of your assigned scientist.

Students completed the handouts from yesterday, using the text, pages 40-45.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tuesday, 15 September, 2009

This is HL #7. Be sure to write on loose leaf paper, headed correctly. Number your paper 1-13 and answer according to instructions on the page.

These are the instructions/examples on how to complete your science fair plan.

You are to complete this form and turn it in. I will set a deadline sometime after we visit the media center. Be sure to follow the guidelines set. DO NOT write up the experiment in the example!

This page explains the parts of the project as presented on your board/journal. Be sure to follow the guidelines specifically. I will also give you a check-off sheet as the deadline for the project draws near.

This page shows you how your board should be set up.

Students will be able to:
use the information from videos from the internet, textbooks, and classroom discussions to
-explain how scales, balances, graduated cylinders, and thermometers are used to describe properties of substances.
-describe the properties of matter.
-describe physical properties of metals.

The do now was a think/pair/share activity. Students first wrote about the physical properties of matter. They then shared with the person in their group they are paired with. They then shared with their entire group. Finally, a group spokesperson shared their ideas with the entire class.

Students received HL #7, which can be found at the top of this blog. Remember to head your paper correctly, use blue/black ink or pencil, and to place the title of the lesson on the top line. Be sure to write both the property and description for questions 1-9.

Students also received instructions for the Science Fair Project, which is due in class on November 30. Those pages can also be found at the top of this blog. Remember, your science fair plan must be approved before any work can begin on your project. We will visit the media center one day next week for you to have the opportunity to use the various science fair journals, magazines, and books to help you decide on a project.

We watched BrainPop movies on science projects, measuring matter, and the law of conservation of mass. Take the time to watch the movies again to help you understand the concepts. Email me for the username and password.

Don't forget, home learning 7 is due tomorrow!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Monday, 14 September, 2009

Print out this sheet and use it to complete the lab activity. The activity can be found at Dr. Gayden's Science Zone, under Friday, 11 September, 2009. Click the glencoe link to access the information.

Students will be able to:
use the information from virtual laboratory experiments and classroom discussions to
-form a hypothesis based on observations.
-identify variabes in an experiment.
-draw conclusions from an experiment.

Students updated their interactive notebooks by drawing a depiction of the laboratory activity involving the intensity of light and the rate of photosynthesis in aquatic plants. They then wrote their conclusions and did the summary on the Cornell notes page.

Students took a quiz on the scientific method.

Students then did Lab 1: How is a controlled experiment performed? If you were absent, you can do the lab by printing out the page found at the top of this blog, and then visiting the following site:

Click the link for Friday, 11 September, 2009. It will take you to the activity. Be sure to choose only one type of jacket material. Complete the lab sheet and turn it in tomorrow.

Notebooks were also collected.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Friday, 11 September, 2009

Students will be able to:
use the information from virtual laboratory experiments and classroom discussions to
-form a hypothesis based on observations.
-identify variabes in an experiment.
-draw conclusions from an experiment.

The do now was to update the interactive notebook.

Students reviewed HL #6 on density problems. The page was placed after the lab information on controlled experiments.

We then did the controlled experiment from the Glencoe site by visiting Dr. Gayden's Science Zone (, scrolling down to Tuesday, 8 September, 2009, and clicking the link that reads:

Be sure to copy the table, record your:
problem, hypothesis (as an if...then statement), independent variable, dependent variable, control, and constants. After completing the activity, write a conclusion, being sure to state if your hypothesis was correct or not.

The home learning is to update the notebook, teach an adult one topic from the past weeks, and have them complete the adult input page on page l of your interactive notebook. Notebooks will be collected on Monday.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thursday, 10 September, 2009

This is HL #6. Follow the written directions and those given to you in class.

Students will be able to:
use the information from virtual laboratory experiments and classroom discussions to
-form a hypothesis based on observations.
-identify variabes in an experiment.
-draw conclusions from an experiment.

The do now was to update the interactive notebook, by placing the identifying variables and HL #5 on the page with the Mexican Jumping Beans lab.

Students received HL #6, which can be found on the top of this blog. Follow the instructions written on the sheet and given to you in class.

We began planning the investigation on aquatic plants and rates of photosynthesis.

Students recorded their problem, hypothesis, independent variable, dependent variable, control, and constants. They also made a data table, which can be found at the website on glencoe.

We will conclude the experiment tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Wednesday, 9 September, 2009

This goes on page a in the back of your notebook.

This goes on page b in the back of your notebook.

This goes on page c in the back of your notebook. Paste it in sideways.

This goes on page d in the back of your notebook. Paste it in sideways.

This goes on page e in the back of your notebook.

This goes on page f in the back of your notebook. Paste it in sideways.

This goes on page j in the back of your notebook.

This goes on the inside back cover of your notebook. DO NOT WRITE ANY usernames or passwords yet. When you do, USE PENCIL!

Students will be able to:
use the information from handouts and classroom discussions to
-format their interactive notebooks.

Students handed in and reviewed HL #5 on density.

Students then received several pages for the interactive notebook. The notebook should have 15 pages counted from the LAST page from the back, numbered a through o, with a being the first page (page 1) and o being the last page (page 15, right next to the inside back cover). The pages found at the top of the blog will indicate which page goes where, but here are the pages as assigned:

page a: power writing
page b: writing conclusions
page c: laboratory safety skills
page d: metric ladder
page e: Grade 8 Science FCAT Reference Sheet
page f: Periodic Table of Elements

Skip to page l and glue in the Adult Input Sheet. Either tonight or tomorrow (due by Friday), have an ADULT in your home complete the section what did the adult learn and sign. YOU the student are to TEACH that adult about the scientific process and variables. Ask them questions, give them a quiz, see how well they listened! Then, the adult is to write a sentence explaining something he/she learned as you taught the lesson on scientific process and variables.

On the inside back cover, paste Dr. Gayden's info sheet. You will find the websites to check when you are absent from class. You will also find my email address. Leave the username and passwords sections blank until you are given appropriate information. When you do record this info, do so in pencil, since it may change as the school progresses.

Remember, the notebook is due in class on Friday, so you have tonight and Thursday night to fine-tune your teaching skills!

There was no nightly home learning.

Once again, you can find all sheets distributed today in class at the top of this blog.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Tuesday, 8 September, 2009

This is HL #5. Be sure to follow all instructions. Answers only! You only do one side, not both, since they are the same!

This is your do now. Identify the independent (manipulated) and dependent (responding) variables in each situation.

Students will be able to:
use the information from hand outs and classroom discussions to:
-form a hypothesis based on observations.
-identify variabes in an experiment.
-draw conclusions from an experiment.

The do now was a worksheet on variables, which can be found at the top of this blog. Your home learning #5 on Density can also be found at the top of this blog. Be sure to follow all directions when heading your paper.

Students received their copies of the Florida Science Reading Essentials book. These books should be left at home. Should you wish to access this book online, cut and paste the following website into your browser address window:

Then, browse to the pages you are interested in reading.

Students updated their interactive notebooks with Costa's leveled questions, highlighting, and summarizing the notes from September 3 and September 4.

Remember to record HL #5 on page 1 of your notebook.

Friday, September 04, 2009

Friday, 4 September, 2009

Students will be able to:
use the information from hands-on activities and classroom discussions to:
-form a hypothesis based on observations.
-identify variabes in an experiment.
-test a hypothesis' validity.

The do now was to complete the handouts we began yesterday with the Mobius strip.

We then collected and reviewed HL 4.

Students updated their interactive notebooks, making sure that they had all home learnings, handouts, and notes in the notebook, with an updated table of contents.

We used a three column notes format to take notes on variables. The headings were:
Term-------------Definition-----Example (from HL #4's Super Bubble experiment)
Independent Variable
Dependent Variable

We then used jumping beans to form a hypothesis, identify variables, and test the validity of the hypothesis.

There was no home learning assignment.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Thursday, 3 September, 2009

This is HL #4. Be sure to write on loose leaf notebook paper, headed correctly (see page 10 of your interactive notebook). Write using blue/black ink or pencil. The name of the assignment is Variables. Do not copy the questions, but restate the question as you answer each question.

These handouts are to be completed. They will be placed in your interactive notebook.

Students will be able to:
use the information from hands-on activities and classroom discussions to:
-form a hypothesis based on observations.
-test the hypothesis for its validity.

The do now was to write about the all tied up string experience, being sure to answer the following:
-what did we do? (describe the procedures)
-what was the problem?
-why was the problem difficult?
-what hints were you given?
-were you able to solve the problem?

For the summary on the bottom of the page, write to explain either: something new you learned, something that happened that you didn't expect to, or the main idea of the activity.

In the questions section to the left of the notes, draw representatives of the activity. For instance, draw someone stepping over the string.

Students received HL #4, which can be found at the top of the blog.

Students then did the paper activity. This helped them practice:
-making inferences from observations
-designing a hypothesis
-looking at results
-drawing conclusions from results
-rethinking the hypothesis.

The papers for the activity can be found at the top of the blog.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Wednesday, 2 September, 2009

Students will be able to:
use the information from hands-on activities and classroom discussions to:
-make an observation and state the problem.
-form a hypothesis based on observations.

The do now was to update the interactive notebook, completing any unfinished notes, Costa's leveled questions, highlighting, or summaries. Also, students pasted in HL #1, HL #2 and Following Directions handouts if not previously done.

HL #3 was collected and reviewed.

Rules and regulations of the classroom were reviewed.

Students spent the remainder of the class time participating in the "Twisted Science" activity "All Tied Up!) Pictures will be posted outside room 220 in the near future!

There was no home learning, but students are to bring all handouts not pasted into the notebook to class, along with scissors and glue sticks.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Tuesday, 1 September, 2009

This is HL #3. Be sure to follow the directions: Answers only, loose leaf paper, headed correctly, blue/black ink or pencil.

This is the do now handout on the scientific method. Be sure to keep to place in your interactive notebook!

Please trim this and place on page 8 of your interactive notebook.

Please trim this and place on page 9 of your interactive notebook.

Students will be able to:
use the information from handouts and classroom discussions to:
-hypothesize about a scientific situation.
-utilize the scientific process in solving a problem.

The do now was a handout on the scientific method. It can be found at the top of this blog.

Students received HL #3, which can also be found at the top of this blog. Remember to write on loose leaf notebook paper in blue/black ink or pencil. Head your paper correctly (see page 10 of your interactive notebook). Also, writ the title on the first line. Number your paper 1-5 and record the answers only. Be sure to write your answers on the handout also so that we can check it in class tomorrow.

Classes that needed to finish the notes, Costa Questions, and summaries did so. We also pasted in HL #1, HL #2, and the Following Directions sheet.

Students also received pages 8 (Rules and Regulations) and 9 (Safety Regulations) of the interactive notebook. These pages should be placed in the correct place in the notebook.