This goes on page a in the back of your notebook.

This goes on page b in the back of your notebook.

This goes on page c in the back of your notebook. Paste it in sideways.

This goes on page d in the back of your notebook. Paste it in sideways.

This goes on page e in the back of your notebook.

This goes on page f in the back of your notebook. Paste it in sideways.

This goes on page j in the back of your notebook.

This goes on the inside back cover of your notebook. DO NOT WRITE ANY usernames or passwords yet. When you do, USE PENCIL!
Students will be able to:
use the information from handouts and classroom discussions to
-format their interactive notebooks.
Students handed in and reviewed HL #5 on density.
Students then received several pages for the interactive notebook. The notebook should have 15 pages counted from the LAST page from the back, numbered a through o, with a being the first page (page 1) and o being the last page (page 15, right next to the inside back cover). The pages found at the top of the blog will indicate which page goes where, but here are the pages as assigned:
page a: power writing
page b: writing conclusions
page c: laboratory safety skills
page d: metric ladder
page e: Grade 8 Science FCAT Reference Sheet
page f: Periodic Table of Elements
Skip to page l and glue in the Adult Input Sheet. Either tonight or tomorrow (due by Friday), have an ADULT in your home complete the section what did the adult learn and sign. YOU the student are to TEACH that adult about the scientific process and variables. Ask them questions, give them a quiz, see how well they listened! Then, the adult is to write a sentence explaining something he/she learned as you taught the lesson on scientific process and variables.
On the inside back cover, paste Dr. Gayden's info sheet. You will find the websites to check when you are absent from class. You will also find my email address. Leave the username and passwords sections blank until you are given appropriate information. When you do record this info, do so in pencil, since it may change as the school progresses.
Remember, the notebook is due in class on Friday, so you have tonight and Thursday night to fine-tune your teaching skills!
There was no nightly home learning.
Once again, you can find all sheets distributed today in class at the top of this blog.