Monday/Tuesday, 26/27 November, 2012
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This is HL 5. Answers only on your own loose leaf, correctly headed paper. |
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This is the exit slip for the lesson on acids and bases. It will be pasted in the notebook and serve as the written notes section. |
Students will be able to
-compare, contrast, and classify the properties of compounds, including acids and bases.
-identify common examples of acids and bases.
-*review Fall IA (periods 2, 4, 6).
-*review classification (periods 1, 5, 6).
-*review heat transfer (periods, 2, 4).
Some classes completed the review of the Fall interim assessment. Students should know that they are graded on their group presentation of the information to the class.
Students participated in a team collaborative activity, using the CPS clicker system. Students were given questions on the topic of acids and bases to answer. The members of the winning team received Wildcat dollars!
Students received HL 5, which can be found at the top of this blog. It is due on Wednesday.
Students watched a BrainPop movie on Acids and Bases.
Students then read for understanding, underlining key words and passages from their text, pages 378-381.
Students made a foldable of the information from the text. You can find the handout for the foldable at the top of this blog.
Mini lessons were began, but not completed on the review of information on classification or heat transfer.